A visit in August of our representative to Largar school construction

Largar School overlooking Largar valley
Last August our representative Moustafa Hussaini went to visit the work site of Largar School to check the implementation of the works and was very impressed by the standards adopted and the high quality of local stones and the Iranian iron beams provided for the roof which are of the best quality. The design of the building follows the standards requested by the Ministry of Education. The level of local workforce was adequate and after Eid holidays worked had restarted steadfastly.

Argosha Representative Moustafa Hosseini with Eng Gholam Hussain head of Bamiyan office of Shuhada org and Mrs Goljan Hujati, head of Daikundi office of Shuhada
The local community is very proud of this achievement. They were longing for a proper building for many years. Hundreds of children were forced to study outdoors in the worts possible conditions especially in early spring and late autumn when days are very cold. From autumn this year everything will change and their dream will be fulfilled. And a population that holds big respect for education will finally get what it has always deserved. Largar community is pretty liberal and men and women are equally struggling for a better life. Our school will host over 500 pupils out of which 400 girls who will have finally a dedicated structure.
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